Ambient-Independent™ SecurestPower™: Forced by the Center of Gravity™

Ambient-Independent™ SecurestPower™: Forced by the Center of Gravity™

The Finnish Patent Authority confirms that nobody has an equivalent.

The Department of Defense (DoD) defines a Center of Gravity as “the 
source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of 
action, or will to act.” Therefore, our solution, Ambient-Independent™ 
SecurestPower™, with Zero Added Energy and No Supply Chain, is perfectly 
positioned to meet these needs.
SecurestPower™ is inconspicuous, without visual, noise, smoke, or heat 

Consequently, this gravitational revolution™ will tackle the industrial 
revolution and its result, global heating, impacting also in defense 
sector increasing national and global security and peace.

Read more arcticles... Time to face gravity?